York Outer MP criticised for newly revealed incidents of sewage dumps

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Recent droughts have highlighted more than ever the vital importance of our waterways and their crucial role in our society and ecosystem. However, new research indicates that a disgusting amount of sewage has been released into our nation’s rivers and not a single British river is in a healthy condition or meets good chemical standards.

In York Outer there were over 980 dumps last year, that means that sewage was spewing into our rivers and streams for over 7900 hours.

Despite this, in October 2021, the York Outer MP Julian Sturdy voted to remove an obligation for water companies not to dump raw sewage.

Families across Britain are trying to enjoy the summertime. Whilst water companies are paying billions in dividends, the Tories have allowed them to cut corners and pump filthy raw sewage onto our playing fields, onto our beaches and into our waters.

Meanwhile senior management at Yorkshire Water, who had on average seventy-seven overflow spills a day last year, were awarded more than £3 million in bonuses.

For example, filthy sewage was being dumped into the River Foss for 1798 hours last year with many believing this shocking figure could even be an underestimate.

The Labour Parliamentary candidate for York Outer, Luke Charters recently commented on this issue saying:

“York Outer’s ‘nowhere to be seen’ Tory MP did bother turning up to vote in Parliament to allow sewage to be dumped into our rivers.
Across the constituency last year, raw/partially raw sewage was dumped nearly 1000 times.

Yorkshire Water’s executives continue to make millions in bonuses and sky high salaries.
Despite sewage releases, hosepipe bans, and mismanagement of water, the Tories have ensured the water industry is incredibly lightly regulated.”

Labour will end this disgraceful practice by ensuring there can be enforcement of unlimited fines, holding water company bosses legally and financially accountable for their negligence, and by toughening up regulations that currently allow the system to be abused.



Since privatisation, shareholders have been paid £72bn in dividends:

vent duration monitoring – lifting the lid on storm overflows:


The head of the Environment Agency has called for the government to reinstate a £120m grant to help increase surveillance of water companies and cut pollution in rivers:


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