Budget comment: Households in York will be £870 worse off under Sunak’s tax plan

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The OBR has confirmed that this will be the only Parliament on record where living standards have fallen, with real pay increasing by just £17 a week over 14 years of Conservative government. Under Labour, wages rose by £183 a week over 13 years.

Today’s budget confirms the UK has the highest tax burden in 70 years, as households in York are £870 worse off on average under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s tax plan.

Figures show that for every 10p working people will pay in tax under the Tories’ plan, they will only get getting 5p back, meaning that people in York are still worse off under this government.

This budget also reveals that with Rishi’s recession, GDP per capita is smaller than when Sunak became prime minister.

Luke Charters, Labour candidate for York Outer, said:

“People in York Outer deserve better than this chaotic Conservative budget. Once again, working people are forgotten as taxes continue to rise.

“Whilst Jeremy Hunt promises jam tomorrow, people in York Outer still face high prices in the shops and bigger mortgage bills.

“Only Labour can deliver change. Rishi Sunak must call an election.”

Rachel Reeves MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer said:

“The Chancellor’s Budget has lifted the lid on 14 years of Tory economic failure.

“Taxes are still rising, prices are still going up in the shops, and mortgages are higher.

“Nothing Jeremy Hunt has said today changes that. It’s time for change. It’s time for an election.”

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